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Approach to care

Lynda takes a holistic approach, and looks at your entire lifestyle to come up with a plan that works for you!


She does not believe in restrictive diets and believes you can meet all of your goals and still enjoy your favorite foods in a mindful way.


As she gets to know you, she will customize your plan to what fits in your lifestyle. We are fans of simple meals but take the quality of our food seriously.


She loves nerding out on the latest research and all recommendations are always evidence-based.

Lynda Lawrence RDN, LDN

Lynda is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Yoga Instructor. As a California native and 12 years in NYC , she works with people of all income levels and interests.


From crunchy moms to fierce corporate baddies, she is passionate about helping people no matter where their life journey has taken them. Since 2017 she has worked in diabetes, dialysis, weight loss, pediatric, in several different settings but stacking 10 patients a day was not her thing.


She finally decided to branch on out on her own so she can take the time you deserve to get quality care without distractions. Lynda does not take on many clients so that she can focus on your case, do research outside of sessions as needed so we can get to the bottom of the root cause.

What to expect in your first session with Lynda?

The first meeting will be an exploratory session. Lynda will get to know you and your lifestyle from the inside out. She will spend the sessions asking a series of questions about your medical background, any symptoms: digestive, skin, energy levels, menstrual cycle.


Questions will also include your lifestyle: the food you eat, your likes and dislikes, your routine, sleeping habits, stress, etc. We will begin to form a plan to work together You will also have the opportunity to get to know her and ask her as many questions as you like. Everything will be very achievable with her support along the way !

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