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1:1 Nutrition Counseling services 100% tailored to you.

  • ​IBS

  • Bloating

  • Acid reflux / heartburn

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

  • SIBO

  • Crohn's 

  • Ulcerative Colitis

  • Celiac's disease

Digestive Health

  • Painful periods

  • PCOS

  • Fertility

  • Pregnancy

  • Post-partum

  • Menopause

Women's Health

  • ​Diabetes/pre-diabetes

  • Weight loss

  • Thyroid disorders

  • Hashimotos

  • Low energy

  • Weight gain

Metabolic Health

  • ​High cholesterol

  • Skin concerns: acne / rosacea / psoriasis

  • Liver disease

  • Bariatric surgery

  • Arthritis 

  • Kidney Disease

Other Conditions

Who we serve

Our gastrointestinal system is connected to all the systems of the body. So whether you dealing with digestive discomfort or are simply wanting to understand your nutritional needs, we got you covered!

Here are some of the things conditions we see.

Intake Session

Before our session you will have filled out a questionnaire with info about your medical background, medications, supplements and chief concerns. This will be reviewed in detail during our session. Lynda will ask many details digging into your medical history, gut health, symptoms, lifestyle and diet. We will then form long term goals as well as figure out a long term strategy as well as some short term (very achievable) goals.



Our holistic approach will be composed of individualized nutritional recommendations. You will receive counseling so that you understand your nutritional needs based on any conditions you have as well as if any therapuetic diet is recommended. We will come up with a plan for meal timing as well as explore recipes that are suitable for your needs and lifestyle. We will review current supplements and perhaps recommend high quality supplements to accelerate your progress. Interventions will also most often include movement routines, behavior changes, and meditation/stress reduction techniques


Our holistic approach will be composed of individualized nutritional recommendations. You will receive counseling so that you understand your nutritional needs based on any conditions you have as well as if any therapuetic diet is recommended. We will come up with a plan for meal timing as well as explore recipes that are suitable for your needs and lifestyle. We will review current supplements and perhaps recommend high quality supplements to accelerate your progress. Interventions will also most often include movement routines, behavior changes, and meditation/stress reduction techniques


Comprehensive Lab Testing

If needed, we will either order some labs that are covered by your insurance or we may order functional lab testing to dig into deeper root causes. Our follow up appointments will include in depth analysis of labs and tests to make recommendations Tests may include comprehensive blood work, gut health stool testing, hormones & adrenals, organic acids, body composition scans or micronutrients. Most of these tests are not included in insurance and would require an additional cost. However, the choice to do the test may or may not be recommended and it will be up to you if you’d like to do them.


Ongoing Support

Number of sessions will depend on the individual and their needs but most people will require a total of 6-8 sessions. Sessions may start out weekly or bi-weekly and move on to monthly or quarterly. In between sessions you will have access to Lynda via email for questions and you may utilize an appt to log food, GI symptoms and lifestyle habits.


What can you expect?

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